There is one myth that is killing success. This falsehood undermines accomplishment. It subverts advance. It sabotages progress. Like a hidden bomb, it unexpectedly detonates potential gains. And tragically, 59% of smart business-savvy Americans believe this lie. How about you?
Your answer to the following question will determine whether you are on a success trajectory or a sabotaging one. So think carefully before you answer. Ready? Here’s the question: “Which do you think will help you improve the most: knowing your strengths or knowing your weaknesses?”
If you said “weaknesses,” the good news is that you’re not alone. Most people believe this fiction. Yes, I said fiction. Six in ten Americans believe focusing on our weaknesses is the best way to improve professional performance. The bad news is that you’re wrong. The research shows quite the opposite. Amazing success, with exceptional results, (which is what we want) is achieved by knowing your strengths and focusing on them, not your weaknesses!
Trying to fortify, to upgrade, and to improve weaknesses sounds reasonable, but ultimately it’s not helpful, especially if you want to experience awesome gains.
Preoccupation on weaknesses and on laboring to squeeze out an iota of improvement in areas we are not innately strong, clearly undermines the possibility of robust executive growth. It keeps hardworking professionals feeling stuck and frustrated. It typically drains and demotivates business personnel. Worse yet, it wastes time, sucks energy, and bears little corporate fruit. (For more, see Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton in their book, “Now, Discover Your Strengths.”)
So what’s the truth? What should we do to accelerate success? Simply stated, focus on your strengths! Target your strengths. Spotlight your strengths. The reason for this is simple. Refining strengths is the easiest, quickest, and best way to improve skills, increase knowledge, crystallize expertise, and to achieve consistent near perfect performance. Repent of sabotaging your success by putting intentional attention on your signature strengths! Stay strong!
P.S. To discover your strengths, consider taking Gallop’s strengthsfinder profile. For assistance in exploring your core strengths, consider working with a Success Life Coach who can help explain, unpack, and activate your unique signature strengths.